Stage-discharge rating curves are the workhorses of hydrometric data production and review. They are a fundamental concept to understand for any hydrometric data collector, reviewer, or user. Many applications are available to assist in the development and validation of rating curves yet there are challenges among these applications in their modelling assumptions, costs, and transparency. _x000D_ _x000D_ The BC Provincial Hydrology Program presents a newly developed and free to use Hydrometric Rating Application (HydRA). HydRA can be used to develop and verify stage-discharge rating curves. Its primary outputs are a rating curve equation and rating development report. Other features include a guided tour on rating curve theory and HydRA’s functionality. HydRA has been used by governments, consultants, First Nations, NGOs, and academia with positive results. This presentation will introduce and demo the tool including key considerations for rating curve development. Open discussion may ensue regarding rating curve development best practices and approaches._x000D_