Hydrometric data production is a lot like cooking: you go to the field to collect your groceries before bringing them back to the office to start cooking. Yet while aspiring home-chefs find the act of cooking more fun than shopping, hydrometric practitioners tend to think the opposite. Data review is a challenging and time intensive process filled with uncertainty. Using standard methods to correct, publish, and grade data is vital for producing data sets that are reliable for end users._x000D_ _x000D_ This presentation will present data from recent BC Provincial Hydrology Program hydrometric review activities to highlight sources of uncertainty and discuss the net result on the output discharge dataset. From measurement and reference of stage, rating curve development, shifting to a base curve, and grading final discharge results, the entire data production process will be assessed. _x000D_ _x000D_ Results from a recent data review noise audit will be presented. Preliminary results from different operational data collection and review techniques will also be demonstrated. Intrinsic to all of these discussions is the application of BC Provincial RISC Standards for hydrometric data collection and review._x000D_