Canadian Water Resources Association 2025
Monday May 26, 2025 3:30pm - 3:50pm PDT
Agricultural production in BC's Delta region relies heavily on irrigation water from the Fraser River, which is managed by the City of Delta through an extensive network of canals, gates, and pumps. While the quantity of water is most often adequate, the salinity at the intake points is influenced by the interface of tidal water with fresh river water. When river flows are low, the “salt wedge” tends to creep further up the channel, resulting in water with higher salt concentration, posing a significant risk of crop damage if used for irrigation. This problem has been exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, which have made seasonal river flows increasingly unpredictable, particularly during summer months when water demand is at its peak. To address these growing concerns, the Delta Farmers Institute partnered with Peak HydroMet Solutions to install a network of real-time salinity monitoring stations throughout the region. An online portal has been developed to provide farmers and water managers with information needed to take proactive measures to effectively manage water quality. The implementation of this highly successful program has demonstrated the valuable role that monitoring technologies can play in water management. By leveraging accurate and timely data, farmers can adjust their irrigation practices to mitigate the effects of high salinity levels, thereby protecting their crops and ensuring sustainable production. Additionally, the collaboration between various stakeholders, including farmers, technology providers, and local governments, underscores the importance of partnerships in addressing environmental challenges.
Monday May 26, 2025 3:30pm - 3:50pm PDT

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