Canadian Water Resources Association 2025
Monday May 26, 2025 11:00am - 11:15am PDT
Understanding the impact of climate model resolution on the representation of extreme hydrometeorological events is essential for improving flood risk assessment. This study evaluates the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations by comparing three hourly Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulations, driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis, at spatial resolutions of 4 km, 25 km, and 50 km. The ability of these simulations to reproduce observed extreme summer-fall precipitation and annual maximum summer and fall flood events is assessed across 12 southern Quebec watersheds (61–1550 km²). The ERA5-Land dataset serves as a reference for bias correction and hydrological model calibration. Streamflows are simulated using the GR5dt hydrological model at hourly time step. Preliminary results indicate that all three bias-corrected WRF simulations perform well in capturing extreme precipitation and flood events. However, the convection-permitting 4 km simulation better reproduces flood volume and peak flows in larger watersheds (>750 km²). These findings suggest that hourly-scale hydrological modeling is key for accurately representing summer-fall extreme events. Further analysis is ongoing to refine the comparison between the three WRF simulations and assess their implications for flood modeling.
Monday May 26, 2025 11:00am - 11:15am PDT

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